We create digital educational products for children aged 5-10 that teach coding through exciting storytelling in our E-Books, and Apps. Coding is for everyone, big or small. We cater to the little people.
This is our latest product:
Cody Coder's - My First Website
Equipping children with a skill that is directly applicable to the Industry is enabling them to be real-world ready and meets a skill-set high in demand on the job-market. Did you know that there will be 1,4 million jobs within computer science in US alone, year 2020? Did you also know that during that year there will only be 400,000 competent enough for those positions?
Children are naturally inquisitive, exposing them to code this early on allows for their mind to experiment and create with a new tool. Code is a 21st Century Stimuli all children have the right to interact with.
What is better; passively playing games or actively creating games?
Codarica products enable children to learn the basics in code effortlessly through storytelling, fun visuals and gamification in all of our products. We guarantee you to keep your kids entertained whilst learning an invaluable skill!
We are also gender neutral with environments that will stimulates both boys and girls with the help from Cody Coder and Holly Hacker.